Custom Solutions for Real People

Every residence is as individual as the people living in it. That is why we customize our services to your needs. There is no one solution that works for everyone, just as much as there is no one cleaner that works on all the surfaces of your residence.

Our cleaning crews consist of 3-4 member teams where every team member has specific areas and tasks they are responsible for. In this way, we ensure all team members provide exceptional service levels in their respective area and assume accountability and ownership of their work.

Our products are non-toxic, and the only exceptions are bleach for sanitizing purposes in the kitchen or bathrooms or the ones our clients ask for from time to time. A common example is the use of a product in showers which removes mold and mildew effectively and completely.

There is no magic formula for pricing. The relationship starts with your first phone call to Atlas Clean Living. (Most of the time I can give a rough estimate over the phone). We set up an appointment around your schedule. We walk through the property together with you, so that we can accurately begin to define your specific needs and desires.

Proudly Serving:

Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Calabasas, Westlake Village, Agoura,Oak Park, Moorpark and more!

Contact Us For a Free Quote

Communication is key. If there is something that was missed or you want done differently, let us know. We want to tailor the cleaning to your personal needs. Our crews take pride in their work. We all want our customers to be happy.

A typical visit includes the following services:



  • Dust picture frames
  • Dust all window sills and frames
  • Pick up, dust and replace all knickknacks
  • Dust Ceiling fans and lamps
  • Dust all Furniture, woodwork and shelves
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Vacuum carpets
  • Wash all floors and dry wood floors
  • Vacuum furniture
  • Empty and clean ashtrays and wastebaskets.



  • Clean appliances, cabinets, table and chairs
  • Clean, scrub and sanitize sinks
  • Wash any dishes
  • Clean and sanitize countertops and backsplashes
  • Clean microwave oven inside and out
  • Clean the range top
  • Clean the refrigerator We will also clean the refrigerator interior on request
  • Wash floor



  • Clean, scrub and sanitize showers, bathtubs and sinks
  • Clean and sanitize vanities, backsplashes and toilets
  • Clean mirrors
  • Polish chrome
  • Wash floors and tile walls
  • Deodorize



  • Make the beds. Just leave clean linens on the bed and your crew will know to remake your bed for you
  • Vacuum, dust and straighten your bedrooms

Other services that can be provided weekly, bi-monthly or monthly:

  • Kitchen: Oven cleaning, refrigerator interior cleaning

  • Baseboards

  • Window interiors

Additional Requests:

It is our mission to provide you with all of your cleaning needs. If there are any extras you need done, just ask.